Will I be able to marry the person I love the most? Will my love life culminate into marriage? Will my love marriage be successful?
It is a well known fact that in today’s world boys and girls are exposed to each other at an early age. It could be school, college or the work place. Today call centers have mushroomed and youth are attracted to the concept of earning and surviving on their own.
They want to be independent. Such places are meeting spots for the budding young couples who speak to each other and discover more about each other. This intimacy between the opposite sexes gradually results in love and finally culminating in Love marriages. Here what matters the most is the decision of both the boy and the girl. The secondary option for choice and selection is given to the parents later on. They end up getting married and feel that their lives are going to be blissful.
What is happening later on is quite the reverse. Most Love marriages end up in failure. What is the prime reason behind this? The Best Astrologer in Bangalore says that overlooking major aspects of astrology can be disastrous in situations like this. The actual commitment of the boy or girl in love can be analyzed by the proper examination of the 7th house. Romance, proximity, the bond of intimacy can be determined by a thorough analysis of the 5th house. Relationship factors and compatibility can be determined by the analysis of the 11th house. For any romantic bond to be successful, Venus in conjunction with the 5th house plays a vital role.
The connection with the 2nd house and 11th house determines that the person will be prone to a love relationship and later on get married. Love is dependent hugely on the planet Venus. Unless Venus is properly placed, there are slim chances of success in the Love affair according to a Famous astrologer in Bangalore. The success of love affair is measured in terms of getting converted into a love marriage. When Venus is place in the 5th house and there is a bond with the 7th house, Love marriage is bound to happen.
When the horoscope of the partner doesn’t match with the opposite sex, there is bound to be tension and conflict after getting married. The reason for high rates of divorce among love marriages aptly proves this. It must be noted that there is a lot of distinction between mere infatuation and actual pure love. Venus must be placed in conjunction with the 5th house, the 7th house and the 11th house in order to enjoy true love so consult a astrologer in bangalore Sai Balaji Anugraha Astrology.
The experts at Sai Balaji Anugraha Astrology analyze your love compatibility and relate it to your birth chart by seeing your horoscope and offer perfect astrological guidance.
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